Jaxson Kole you are 3 months old!!

Here are some of the things you've been up to lately:
*You eat 5oz every 3 hours during the day. You are still a very hungry boy and very rarely miss a bottle. Sometimes you even scream after you finish your bottle! You get so mad because it's all gone, but it doesn't take long to calm you down and make you forget about it.
*You still love your paci! We never go anywhere without it! We even have a backup in the diaper bag!
*You have started holding on to your blankets, burp cloths, my shirt, whatever you can get your hands on. It's so sweet!
*You have finally noticed Bailey. You will lay on the floor and follow Bailey around the living room with your eyes. I just know you two are going to be best friends soon!
*You are still in a good night time routine. You get a bath around 8:30, a bedtime bottle, some cuddle time, and then it's off to bed. You usually go to sleep very easily on your belly and then Daddy flips you over to your back before we go to bed.
*You wake up anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30 in the mornings. You get your diaper changed, a bottle, and then play or sleep in your swing while we get ready for work. On the days I am off work or on the weekends, you have been known to fall asleep in your swing and not wake up until 9:30 or 10:00. You love sleep just like your mommy and daddy!
*You are not on a very consistent nap schedule. You nap at random times though out the day and it's usually only for about an hour. You take better naps at daycare than you do at home.
*You are wearing mostly size 3-6 months clothes, but you still have a few 0-3 months that fit you. I love buying you new clothes and dressing you up! I get very excited when I find something in your closet that finally fits you or that I forgot you had.
*You are usually a good boy at daycare. When I pick you up in the afternoon, you smile and laugh. You are always happy to see your mommy and I love that!
I can't believe how time flies! It seems so recent that we were bringing you home from the hospital and showing you around the house. I was packing up some of your newborn clothes and it's hard for me to believe you were ever that little. It was very sad! You are growing up right before our eyes and I can't wait to see what you will be up to in the next months!
Jaxson - You are the sweetest little boy and Mommy and Daddy love you very much! Happy 3 months!