Wow! Jaxson you are 6 months old! That is 1/2 a year! Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday we were in the hospital waiting for you to be born. I look back on your newborn pictures and you don't even look like the same baby. You are growing so quick and doing new things everyday. Here are some of the things you have been up to:
You have your 2 bottom teeth and I have a feeling anyday you are going to get more. You drool all the time and chew on your hands or anything you can get to your mouth.
You are a good eater! You have 4-5 6oz bottles during the day and eat a fruit at lunch and a vegetable at dinner. You have had sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, squash, bananas, pears, peaches, apples & prunes. You were not crazy about the squash or green beans.
You are still wearing some 3-6 month clothes but your 6-12 month clothes fit you a lot better. You have long chunky legs and I could just eat them up!
This month you have really started grabbing for things and want everything mommy is holding. You love trying to grab my phone, the remote control, or a cup I am drinking from.
You have really started to enjoy your exersaucer and playing with all your toys. I can lay you down on the floor with some toys and you will entertain yourself for quit awhile.
You can roll from your belly to back and back to belly. Although, the only place you will roll from back to belly is at daycare. I think it's because all the other babies are on the floor with you and you want to see what is going on. You are a very curious little guy!
You are the best baby. You only cry or get fussy if you are tired or hungry. Other than that, you are a happy, happy baby!! You smile and talk all the time!
Jaxson Kole, mommy loves you more and more everyday. I am so happy to get to spend so much time with you. Your little smile just melts my heart!
Your daddy and I love you very much and can't wait to see what new things you do next month!