Sunday, December 19, 2010

5 Months!

Jaxson, you are 5 months old! Here are some of the things you have been up to this month:

- You eat a 6oz bottle every 3 hours during the day.

- You started eating rice cereal and baby food. You have tried sweet potatoes and bananas and love both.

- You have a few size 2 diapers left and then we are switching to a size 3.

- You are still wearing size 3-6 month clothes.

- Today on your 5 month birthday, you started rolling from your belly to your back. You are a rolling machine. Every time we lay you down on your belly you instantly roll over to your back.

- You got your first ear infection and pink eye this month. - You are still a great sleeper and we hope it always stays that way!

- You are the sweetest little boy and smile all the time. Mommy and Daddy love you very much! Happy 5 months baby!

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